The Problem Of Church Denominations

This is a historical timeline of church divisions that have resulted in today's many church denominations.

A Brief History Of Church Denominations

The Problem Of Church Denominations

Among Christians, there’s a common belief that one church denomination is just as good as another as long as you love God and love your neighbors.  I’ve heard others say that it makes no difference what you believe as long as your heart is right. Let’s compare these popular ideas with God’s Word. 

The Solution For Church Denominations

When Jude wrote to early Christians, he said, “Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you, appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). In context, this “faith” is a broad reference to the gospel of Jesus Christ. This faith was “once for all delivered to the saints.” That is to say, it was delivered once for all time. God did not deliver a subjective, human system of denominationalism or religious pluralism.

Paul affirmed, “there is one body [the church] and one Spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all…” (Ephesians 4:4-6). Please remember this important fact: there is only one faith. By consequence, all other faiths are not from God and therefore false.

A Call To Action

While some say one church denomination is as good as another, the Scriptures teach there is only one true faith, the gospel of Jesus Christ. We encourage you to have this same conviction and strive to follow “the one faith” rather than church denominations.  We invite you to just be a Christian.  You can do this by reading the Bible for yourself, rejecting man-made religious traditions, and living as a faithful Christian in fellowship with others who are trying to do the same. Does this sound too radical? Maybe. But that’s the point, right?  Jesus was also considered a radical. 

An Invitation to Simple Christianity

The religious world can be a frustrating place if you are looking for the truth. There are so many denominations, each offering its own “truth” about important questions. With so much confusion, who should we trust? To which church should we listen?

Is God Confused?

Obviously the source of the confusion isn’t God. Paul said, “God is not the God of confusion, but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33). If religious confusion doesn’t come from God, then where does it come from? It must come from men.

The disorder in the religious world is not God’s fault; it’s man’s fault. Instead of simply following the Bible, man has introduced doctrines, opinions, and traditions. Today’s denominations do not respect the word of God; they have their own creeds, books, traditions, councils, and governments. This has resulted in the confusion and differences we see today.

This also produces a false religion that does not please God. Jesus said to the Pharisees about their own traditions,

“So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God. You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’“ (Matthew 15:6-9).

When we follow the traditions and doctrines of men, we serve man instead of God. Our worship is useless, and our souls are in peril.

What Does the Bible Say?

With all the confusion in the religious world, who should we trust? The answer might surprise you: no one. All men make mistakes, and if we trust in the wisdom of a human (even a scholar or a wise pastor), we are guaranteed for religious disaster. We can only confide in God and his word. Paul says, “Let God be true though every one were a liar” (Romans 3:4). We shouldn’t ask then, “what does my church say?,” but instead we should ask “what does the Bible say?” and study it for ourselves.

If we want a way out of the confusion in today’s religion, if we want to return to the intention God has had for man from the beginning, if we want to worship God in the simple ways he desires and if we want to go to Heaven, we have to return to the simple plan God left for us in the Bible.

Imagine a group of men and women devoted only to Christ and his word. Imagine religion without confusion of sects or traditions of men. Imagine Christians given to praise, prayer, service, and good works, in ways prescribed in the New Testament. Imagine a people who strive to live righteous lives, who care for their poor and sick, who teach others and teach themselves. This describes simple Christianity. It is the religion desired by Christ & his word and it’s still within our reach today.

We are a group of Christians striving to do the will of our Lord Christ Jesus. We do not belong to any denomination, sect, or church made by man. We belong only to Christ. We invite you to study the Bible with us so we can all better understand the will of God.