Why Study The Bible? – 5 Good Reasons

This is an image of an open Bible. Why study the Bible?

Why Study The Bible?


People often ask “Why study the Bible?” You may know that the Bible is the most popular book in the world, but did you know it’s also the least understood?  That’s because most people have not spent the time to read it carefully. Here are a few of the reasons why Bible study is essential.

1. Gain Knowledge

Why study the Bible to gain knowledge? Well, it’s important to realize that the Bible is the way God has chosen to reveal himself to us.  He decided to give us a book that we can read and understand for ourselves.  In other words, the Bible contains a lot of information provided directly by God.

The Bible reveals the character and nature of God who created all things (Hebrews 1:1-3). It helps us to understand our sinfulness and how this has disrupted our relationship with our creator.  We can also learn about God’s plan to save us from the consequences of our sin and restore our relationship with him (John 3:16).

The scriptures also instruct us in every aspect of our lives (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  And because they’re from God, they have the highest authority and should be followed. They’re also the only place we can learn about God’s real purpose and meaning for our lives.

2. Identify Error

Why study the Bible if we want to identify error? It turns out that one of the primary purposes of reading God’s words is to help us see our mistakes more clearly. More accurately, reading the Bible exposes our sins.  This will be uncomfortable, but we need to realize its a good thing because otherwise, we’ll never get better. Scripture is also useful for correcting false beliefs and practices among others (Matthew 7:15-20). Even with a simple understanding of God’s word, we can begin to detect many lies in the things we read and hear (2 Peter 3:17-18).

3. Grow Spiritually

Bible study should not be solely an intellectual pursuit, but instead, it should cause us to grow up in maturity and obedience to Jesus. Jesus said that when we plant the seed of the kingdom (the word of God) in a good and honest heart, it will produce fruit (Luke 8).

4. Protection From Sin

God’s words can change us and protect us from sin if we keep them in our hearts (Psalm 119:11).  Psalm 119 reads, “How blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord. How blessed are those who observe His testimonies, who seek Him with all their heart. They also do no unrighteousness, but, they walk in His ways. You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed” (Psalm 119:1-4). Verse 9 adds, “How shall the young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.”

God’s word has power. However, we cannot casually read it and expect an automatic change in our life. Like the Psalmist, we must carefully study it, meditate on it, and apply it. We should consider how it applies to what we will do today, and then go out and live it. “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you” (Colossians 3:16).

5. Understand Culture

The Bible helps us to understand the culture around us accurately. We find references to the Bible in music, art, literature, philosophy, law, as well as other religions. Many of our favorite phrases also originate from the Bible.  Examples include “the blind leading the blind”, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” “go the extra mile,” and “being a good Samaritan.”

More importantly, the Bible helps us to see the errors of society and culture more clearly.  It accurately records the history of many nations as they rise to power and suffer decline due to their immorality and rebellion against God.  There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).

The next time you hear someone ask “Why study the Bible?”, you’ll be able to give them a good answer.

How To Get Started

Are you ready to begin your study of the Bible? If so, prepare to be changed. A summary of the Bible story will help you start seeing the big picture.  Then find a Bible translation that’s easy for you to read and understand. Stay organized by following a daily Bible reading planFind a local Bible study to keep you accountable and encouraged. Here are some more ways to stay motivated. Find these and other tips on our Bible study resources page.

Bible Study: How To Stay Motivated

You Can Do It!

How do you stay motivated for Bible study? Because there are so many things competing for our time, it’s easy to get distracted. Here are a few tips that have helped my family make Bible study part of our daily lives:

1. Find A Good Bible Translation

There are many easy-to-read, modern translations available like the NIV, ESV, or NKJV translations. For a more literal translation, consider the NASB or KJV. I prefer the NIV for my daily reading and the NASB for more in-depth Bible study. Whichever you choose, make sure it’s something you can comfortably read and understand. Experiment with different versions quickly by downloading the free Bible app. This app will also allow you to read when you’re on the go!

2. No Bible, No Breakfast

Do you want to stay hungry for God’s Word? Make Bible reading a top priority by including it in your daily routine.  Read every morning or pick another time of day when you can focus without distractions. If you’re married, read with your spouse for added encouragement and accountability. Stay committed and daily Bible reading will soon become a new enjoyable habit.

3. Follow A Reading Plan

A Bible reading plan divides the text into manageable, daily readings over some period (usually a year) and is helpful for keeping on track. Some cover the whole Bible while others focus on the New Testament or individual books. There are many free plans available online, and you are sure to find one that fit your reading goals. I’ve created a manageable Bible reading plan for beginners which covers the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs.

4. Listen To The Bible

Some prefer to listen to audio recordings of the Bible text. Depending on your commute, you may be able to complete the whole Bible in less than a year or perhaps a few months. Bible Gateway and other websites allow you to listen online from your computer, tablet, or phone. You can also listen to the Bible in our daily Bible reading plan.

5. Attend Church Worship

Being part of a supportive community of Christians that worship together weekly is probably the most helpful way to grow spiritually, get encouragement, and stay motivated. If you’re looking for a church in Philly, please let me invite you to worship with my family and the West Philly Assembly of Christ.

6. Join A Bible Study

In addition, small group Bible discussions are helpful to keep you motivated. Studies have shown that Christians are more likely to read and mature if they participate in a weekly study outside of worship. Check out one of the Philly Bible Study groups meeting around the city.

7. Ask For Help

If you need additional help staying motivated, please let us know. We would be happy to answer your questions or connect you with others who can help.

The Problem Of Church Denominations

This is a historical timeline of church divisions that have resulted in today's many church denominations.

A Brief History Of Church Denominations

The Problem Of Church Denominations

Among Christians, there’s a common belief that one church denomination is just as good as another as long as you love God and love your neighbors.  I’ve heard others say that it makes no difference what you believe as long as your heart is right. Let’s compare these popular ideas with God’s Word. 

The Solution For Church Denominations

When Jude wrote to early Christians, he said, “Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you, appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). In context, this “faith” is a broad reference to the gospel of Jesus Christ. This faith was “once for all delivered to the saints.” That is to say, it was delivered once for all time. God did not deliver a subjective, human system of denominationalism or religious pluralism.

Paul affirmed, “there is one body [the church] and one Spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all…” (Ephesians 4:4-6). Please remember this important fact: there is only one faith. By consequence, all other faiths are not from God and therefore false.

A Call To Action

While some say one church denomination is as good as another, the Scriptures teach there is only one true faith, the gospel of Jesus Christ. We encourage you to have this same conviction and strive to follow “the one faith” rather than church denominations.  We invite you to just be a Christian.  You can do this by reading the Bible for yourself, rejecting man-made religious traditions, and living as a faithful Christian in fellowship with others who are trying to do the same. Does this sound too radical? Maybe. But that’s the point, right?  Jesus was also considered a radical. 

The Bible on Trial


2016 Bible on Trial - listen now banner

“The Bible On Trial” was held at the University of Pennsylvania on Saturday, April 16th, 2016. The audio recordings and presentation slides can be viewed below.

Do We Have A Reliable Copy? (View Presentation Slides)

Audio Player

Is The Bible A Historical Work? (View Presentation Slides)

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Is The Bible A “Good Book”? (View Presentation Slides)

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Does The Bible Present A Clear Plan? (View Presentation Slides)

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