Courtesy of Wikipedia.com
Have you ever been so hungry you would do anything for food? Food is one of our greatest needs. We eat every day – most of us eat several times a day. If we don’t, we get weak and eventually die. We need food, but we have a greater need.
After Jesus fasted forty days, the devil tempted him to selfishly use his miraculous power, “Turn this stone into bread” (Matthew 4:3). The Savior’s answer was profound. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). Although Jesus was extremely hungry physically, his greater need was to receive God’s words in full. He was not satisfied with only some of God’s words. Jesus would live by “every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”
We expend much time and effort to get physical food for ourselves and our families, but have we given attention to our greater need – our spiritual need? We need God’s words to live and we need all his words, not just select words or thoughts that appeal to us (as if the Bible were a spiritual restaurant menu). We too must feed on “every word.”
Are you feeding on the words of God? If not, you are spiritually starving to death. Jesus offers “the bread of life” and “the water of life” (John 6:35). The New Testament scriptures are the only true source of His life and teaching. We are offering a free Bible course to encourage feasting on God’s Word. If you’re spiritually hungry, start today.
Call 267-453-8787 or write to Philly Bible Study, P.O. Box 24038, Philadelphia, PA 19139. The course is also available online at PhillyBibleStudy.org/jesus-the-way.